Tal Talks Israel- Make a Wish: The Wish Ambulance

Do you remember the last time that you made a wish? When you blew the candles on your birthday cake? Or when you saw a falling star? Or before an important test?

In Israel, there is an amazing social initiative that fulfills dreams every day. The Wish Ambulance is a Magen David Adom initiative, which aims to fulfill the wishes of individuals who face serious or terminal illnesses and/or who are not independently mobile.

A person’s last wish holds special power. It can serve as a source of comfort and peace of mind. Most wishes are emotional and very personal.

Every Wish Ambulance trip is coordinated in advance with the project team and the management of the site to which the patient wishes to go. The fulfillment of each wish is carefully planned in coordination with the patient’s attending physician, adapted to the patient’s needs, and of course, accompanied by properly qualified medical staff.

A wish come true is an important and significant triumph for the individual concerned, and also provides aid and support to the family.