Israeli Innovation – an update

Israeli innovation never stops to rest, researchers are working all the time trying to make cutting edge discoveries. Since this can go on forever I have decided to make a list of updates for you guys – so that you can keep track of what Israeli minds are up to these days.

CallSaver (now Puls) – Smartphones may seem like an extension of our hands, but our newest companions are also quite vulnerable, as even cell phones that are well cared for inevitably degrade. Now, Israeli startup Puls is offering on-demand tech “doctors” who make house calls and repair your damaged cell phone at your home or office. Founded in 2015 by CEO Eyal Ronen and president Itai Hirsch, Puls revolutionizes the prevalent repair model by eliminating the infamously long repair windows, the tiresome haggling, the long wait times at repair labs, and the trip back and forth. Instead, the company – with services available in the US and research and development in Israel – promises quick and easy technology repairs. Puls provides qualified technicians, called “Savers,” seven days a week, for on-demand repairs: from ailing speakers to water damage.

Israeli Scientists Discover a Rare Children’s Disease That Has Puzzled Doctors for Years- The disease, which is characterized by a sudden onset of neurological deterioration in children, has now been identified as a new genetic disease caused by a single mutation. A previously healthy child, between the ages of three and seven, begins to experience a small motor problem. Suddenly, the child experiences rapid motor and cognitive decline. By the time the child is a teenager, he or she usually needs a caregiver around-the-clock. Discovered by Israeli scientist  Orly Elpeleg, the disease is still unnamed. According to Hadassah, it is the result of a mutation in a single gene in the ribosomal RNA, which is essential for protein synthesis in all living organisms. Its malfunction results in an excess of ribosomal RNA, so that the child’s cells are flooded with and poisoned by it.

Israeli Startup NRGene Maps Genome of Cotton, Sweet Potato for Better Crops – NRGene, the Israeli startup that has mapped the genome for bread, pasta and wild emmer wheat, said that it has now mapped the genome for the most common cotton breed and the sweet potato, giving researchers critical insights for developing healthier plants with higher yields. NRGene said it partnered with Genosys Inc. (TGS Singapore), a distributor of genomics technologies in China, to assemble the genome makeup of Upland Cotton, the most common cotton used for clothing, in less than seven weeks. A similar effort used to take years and cost many millions of dollars, the company said.

Israel’s Karamba Protects Connected Cars In The EU From Hackers – All systems in a car that are connected to an external network – such as GPS or infotainment – represent a security risk. With 90 percent of cars predicted to become connected by 2020, according to a report by Ernst & Young, the need for advanced protection is more pressing than ever. Karamba Security, an Israeli startup, says it has the solution. The company prevents hackers from accessing a car’s control system using a software that seals off the most critical Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in the car. Any attempt to access the ECUs that does not align with the car’s original factory settings is blocked. Earlier this year, the company announced a partnership with VEDECOM, which will make Karamba Security one of the first cyber-security companies to integrate technology into commercially available autonomous cars. The cars are due to be released in 2017 and 2018 in France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and the Netherlands. In the meantime, Karamba’s patent-pending technology is being tested by 17 automotive companies.

Want to read more about Israeli Innovation? Try this website in your spare time:

(no worries, it’s in English 🙂 )

Until next time…
