Tal talks Israel: Hadassa Hospital


Imagine a school that has no bells, no tests, and attending class is optional.

At Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem there is special school that called ”Kitat Yiladim” for those children that are dealing with long term hospitalization and can’t attend a regular school. The education staff, welcome the sick children every day and teach them in multidisciplinary, creative and innovative ways.

Hadassah School is a multicultural enviroment.  The population of children includes religious and non-religious Jews, Muslim, Christian Arabs, and new immigrants.  The staff is also multicultural, and the school activities are in both Hebrew and Arabic.

My sister, Yael did her national service at Hadassa school and she said “this is why the sick children love to go to school, even if they don’t have to. The school offers an opportunity for children to meet other sick children in the same situation as them, but more then anything else, you can see them meeting between the cultures and connecting through sharing stories.”

Yael works with a lot of volunteers in the play area, waiting rooms and the wards themselves to help the children get through their hospital stay as pleasantly as possible. The children and the family get a lot of warmth and love, which helps them deal with their hospitalization, sickness and pain.