Home Away From Home

This year, I was away from Israel when I experienced three national events that are so symbolically attached; the Holocaust Memorial Day, Israel Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror and Israel Independence Day.

All consist of rituals that individuals perform such as standing for a moment of silent, or celebrating the existence of our country in the streets, and when all those individuals participate in these rituals we become people, a nation, one family.

So who am I when I’m making those rituals so far away from my home? Luckily I am not alone.

This past week I got to stand for a moment of silent with my fellow colleagues at the offices of Hillel of Metro Detroit. I got to participate in a “Walk for Israel” with the Jewish community of Detroit, and to celebrate Israel Independence Day with my AMAZING students of HMD.


As my heart and mind is always in Israel, I am so very thankful to the supporting community I found in Detroit. I can truly say we are one family.